Monday, October 20, 2008

It’s Time To Decide

Elijah went before the people and said “How long will you waiver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” I Kings 18:21

Have you ever heard or used the phrase “Make Up Your Mind!” Don’t you hate it when the driver in front of you can’t decide which lane to stay in? Or how about when the person in front of you, who is getting ice cream, can’t decide which flavor to get? Or how about when a group of people can’t decide where to eat for lunch?

No wonder Elijah was frustrated with Israel’s fickle faith. One day they bowed to God and the next day they would bow to Baal. One day the temple was a place of honor and the next day, any place was accepted as the Holy Place. Elijah must have felt that the people of Israel were trying to hold on to both God and Baal. I guess you could call it wishy-washy religion.

The words in the Scripture “waivering between two opinions” reminds me of a bird hopping between two branches, unable to decide where to land. Israel was just like this. They had every reason to fear God, but they still could not bring themselves to fully reject idolatry. But Elijah offers some words that would help them decide. He challenges them to fully follow God for who He was.

When we understand who God is, we can’t help but follow him—wholeheartedly. There will be no waivering, there will be hardship in letting go to the things of the world that oppose God.

My statement is a simple one: It is time to decide. Either follow God or don’t. But you can’t be like the bird going back and forth between the world and the kingdom of God. You must choose who you will serve this day!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

He Stills Says Come!

When Jesus came by, he looked up at Zacchaeus and called him by name. "Zacchaeus!" he said. "Quick, come down! For I must be a guest in your home today." Luke 19:5 (NLT)

Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus but he had a couple of obstacles to get over: the crowd and his own height. He runs ahead of the crowd. Just imagine this for a moment and picture this in your mind: Here's a little rich guy running ahead of the crowds. When he reaches the 30-40' high tree, he climbs the short trunk and plants himself on 1 of the branches. Evidently he did not worry about looking ridiculous! We could stop here and just make this our devotion—when it comes to Jesus, it shouldn’t matter what people think. But let’s go on.

Zacchaeus thought that he was seeking Jesus, when in fact Jesus was seeking him. Jesus reaches the spot. He looks up and with so many people around him, Jesus sees one man. He calls Zacchaeus by name. Jesus knew his name and his character. Jesus did not see who he was from the outside. . .God does not look at the things man looks at. "Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7). So what did Jesus see when He saw Zacchaeus? He saw a man that was dealing with sin in his life. He saw a man who had been beaten down by the world. He saw a man that had been deceived and that had deceived other people. He saw a man who was dying inside

As we go through life we often feel insignificant. But, one life does matter. Zacchaeus is one seemingly insignificant man who was noticed by God.

And with all the people around you, God still sees you. He sees how you spend your day. He sees your disappointments and the pain you experience. He sees your successes and your failures. He sees your frustrations and your fears. He sees the decisions you are facing. He sees your worries, and he still says “Come”. He knows when you feel like giving up, when you are down or when you are happy. But he still says “Come”. Every person matters to Christ. So don’t let the crowd keep you from seeing Him. He loves you and wants to be the master of your life. He sees YOU and cares for YOU!