Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Plowing Through Life

But Jesus said to him, "No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." (NAS) Luke 9:62

I am not a farmer’s daughter or a gardener, but I am wondering how many of us have ever plowed some land. I used my dad’s old fashioned plow when I was growing up and boy was it hard. But if you have never had the opportunity to plow, let’s imagine it in our minds for a minute. Well let's put our hands down on the plow handles and begin preparing the soil for seed that will be sown and produce (hopefully) a huge harvest! But, what happens when you look back? The plow goes crooked! No neat rows, but a hodgepodge of lines dug up in the field.

Now read the Scripture again at the beginning of this devotion. What do you suppose it means to look back as it relates to our lives with Him? Do we look back longing for an old way of life? Do we look back with regrets over past sins? Do we look back trying to relive past accomplishments? How do you look back or how have you looked back?

Other times we may not be looking back into our pasts, but instead looking side to side at what's around us? Again the plow will go crooked if we're not looking straight ahead. What distracts you from looking straight ahead, focusing your attention on Christ? Is it relationships? The pursuit of becoming comfortable? The attractiveness of what society has to offer? Ambition? Competition? Desiring what your friends and neighbors have? What's turning your focus away from purpose ahead of you?

Jesus didn't allow distractions in His life. He put His hands down on the plow with a fixed purpose and completed His task. Jesus doesn't want followers who are half-hearted or lukewarm. . . He doesn't want followers with a distracted or divided focus! How's your plowing? What needs to change so you can plow straight ahead and follow Jesus?

The only way we can accomplish what He needs us to accomplish is to understand what Christ expects from us and look directly to Him as our guide. Grab a hold of Christ and start plowing.

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