Thursday, November 13, 2008

Let’s Just Praise The Lord

"Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise-the fruit of lips that confess His name." (Hebrews 13:15)

A large part of our day should be spent in praise. While God does want you to intercede for others and make requests of Him, there are plenty of Scriptures that tell us to also praise Him, to tell him of his worth.

Isaiah 43:7 informs us that we were "created to praise." Jesus said in Mark 12:30 that the greatest commandment is to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength."

God is at home in our praises. When God is at home in praise He does what He wants to do and is not held back by our human failures. We can't fail Him in our praise. I like to think about this as the one thing I can do which will never hurt anyone and it pleases the One who deserves it the most.

The writer in Hebrews states to continually offer praise. When was the last day that you had where you continuously offered praise? I would venture to say that if we all had a day like that, that would be a day we would never forget. Not only would it be cleansing for our soul, but I’m sure it would be the best day that we ever had.

There was a movie that came out years ago called Oh God! While there were parts of the movie that I didn’t agree with, there was a line in the movie that I always remember. God wanted his designated person to get people to think about Him. Therefore, everywhere people would look, they would see THINK GOD!. What a concept. What if we would think about God all day? What would happen? Perhaps we would forget our past, perhaps we would not struggle with that thing that we struggle with, perhaps we wouldn’t be as apt to sin. Or even, perhaps we would forget all about our trials and troubles. Wow! What an awesome day that would be.

My challenge to all of you is: THINK GOD! Allow your mind to dwell on who God is and offer up praises to him, all day long---continuously. If you do that, can you please comment on this blog and let us all know how your day went.

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