Thursday, October 11, 2007

Unexpected Lessons!

I think everyone was well aware when they walked outside this morning…it’s that time of year again, when you can wear long underwear in the morning, flip flops and shorts in the afternoon and a light sweater in the evening. Because I don’t prepare myself and watch the daily weather report…I walked outside, not dressed for the cool temps at all!

I then decided to run back in real quick and grab my coat, BUT…I forgot, I sold it in a yard sale over the summer! What a morning.

If you knew this coat I had had, you would not only understand why I sold it…but, you most definitely would inquire as to why I had not gotten rid of it sooner. I kept it and wore it faithfully for over 8 years. This may not sound like too much of a feat…but we are talking late teens, college years, and early adulthood years. THAT is wear and tear on an article of clothing that is worn on almost every day that it is cool. It went everywhere with me…to class, to dinner, to the grocery store, on camping trips, on walks, on road trips…I was Linus and it was my blanket. It was the only coat I had, and it served it’s purpose well.

As I was sorting stuff for my yard sale this past summer, I finally gave in. The coat had numerous holes, missing buttons, very thin fabric in spots, deformed in shape never to return to the original tailored look. I thought I’d be lucky to even sell it…I’d probably have to give it away. Wouldn’t you know…I actually got rid of it! And, not to just anyone. No! A couple and their teenage child was going through some stuff…and this kid fell in love with this coat. It was the exact style they had wanted, but was never able to get. Despite the holes, the wear and tear…it was perfection to this kid. I was shocked, but glad it could make someone else happy! But, I never dreamed it would have been that item that would make someone’s day.

As I recalled all of this this morning, while missing having a coat to grab…the spiritual correlation hit me. That coat was a permanent fixture on me, the only one I had to wear for every function, trip or activity I had had for several years; “ol’ reliable”. I didn’t take the time to patch every hole, sew back on every button, press every crease. I knew overall, it would do the job. I would stay warm, despite a missing button! But, then, as I pulled it out of the box this summer…I was shocked at just how far I had let it go. And, even more shocked as to how I never saw all of that before!

That’s how it is with us in our spiritual walks sometimes. As we mature in our faith, we know the steps to take, we know the right actions, we’ve got all the motions down. Our relationship with God makes us who we are, going everywhere that we go. At times, we have a proverbial button fall off…we get a tear in our spiritual seams…some of them we notice right away, and mend immediately. Some are beyond our sewing skills and require an experienced tailor to help us out. And some, we never even see the threads rip…until one day we look down and realize, we have a gaping hole letting in the harsh elements.

We have to take care of our relationship, or it will become tattered. We have to spend time with God, learning how to patch holes correctly, learning how to sew buttons back on, learning how to wash away the stains, learning how to keep it fresh, new and something others long for! And, when we have the opportunity, we need to be available and prepared to give it to someone who has been longing for it, but never had that opportunity!

How is your personal walk with the Lord right now? How are you keeping yourself protected, refreshed, mended and enduring? How many opportunities to share the light and love of Jesus are you missing out on, because your clung to the comfort of an old coat, not wanting to experience anything more?

The fun part is, I now have an excuse to shop in the next few weeks! The exciting part is…maybe I can pray over this next coat, that it will be a spiritual lesson to someone else along the way, or at least, let me be a light while I’m wearing it!

The opportunities are endless, God is not confined to any boxes, there is no circumstance to small to see the significance of the Kingdom Goal in. Look at yourselves this week, and seek the opportunities that surround you!

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