Friday, October 5, 2007


“I lay it down, I lay it down, at your feet dear Lord, I lay it down. At the cross where You gave your life for me, Lord I lay my life at Your feet.”

These are some of the words to one of my favorite praise songs. It’s one of my favorites, because it is a reminder to me that I need to surrender all that I am, so that He might shine more fully through me into the lives of others.

Have you ever felt like the load you were carrying was just too much? Has it weighed you down so much, taken so much of a toll, you don’t know if you’ll be able to stand straight again. You fear the damage may be permanent. Have you ever once stopped to consider asking God to remove it? Have you considered the fact that sometimes He uses others to help us carry it? Have you considered the fact that there is a way to live without the load?

Sometimes, we know exactly what our load is, we know exactly how much it weighs and we are fully aware of the effect it is having. However, often times…we simply throw it over our shoulder, letting it rest on our backs, never knowing the actual weight, never comprehending what it is doing to us. It not only can make you sore, make you feel exhausted and worn out continually….if not relieved, it can cause damage. And, if actually heavy enough, enough damage to merit surgery.

In the figurative sense, what are you carrying around? Have you stopped to consider the effect/s it is having? Have you been bogged down for so long, you forget what it’s like to not be carrying the burdens? Have you become injured, and are in need of healing?

For spiritual and emotional healing, it not only takes an acknowledgement of your state and what you are actually holding onto…it also takes total surrender of it. It takes laying it at the feet of Jesus…FOR GOOD. How many sermons have you heard about how we keep bringing stuff to God, but then when we are done praying, we pick it right back up and continue in that same path? I know I’ve heard a million of them, and twice as many times as that have been that person. But, there is a better way!!! Praise God!!

Burdens can be many things. Guilt and shame from sin, heavy heart for someone we love, sickness, temptations, financial struggles, etc, etc, etc. But, God is bigger than all of those things. God is stronger. God is more powerful. God is the maker and provider of perfect wisdom. He knows our needs, our every thought. He wants to heal us, restore us, bring wholeness to us. If we have carried burdens so long we have injured ourselves, He wants to be that Great Physician and perform surgery upon our hearts and lives. And, what you must remember…surgery hurts!!! Recovery can be long and painful. But in the end, it’s all worth it! In the end is wholeness. Rest. Comfort. Peace. Hope. If anyone asked you if you desired these things for your life, you would say yes. So, why aren’t you saying yes to taking the path that leads to those things?

Take time to consider what you are carrying in your lives. Sometimes, you don’t have to have a huge situation going on to have been carrying “junk”. Seriously take the time to consider your state right now. Where are you at? What do you need to surrender? What is keeping you from true wholeness? …And once you realize it, pray for the strength and courage to give it up and run after wholeness!

Peace to your hearts dear sisters!

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