Thursday, January 31, 2008

It Ain't Over Until God Says So

"I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end..." Revelation 1:8

I know that everyone has heard the phrase...."It ain't over until the fat lady sings". (No offensive intended.) This may be an expression to make a point, but the truth is... it's not over until God says it's over. Everyone goes thru some trying times and some years are worse than others. I learned that it doesn't matter if it looks like it's over... it's not until God says it is. If you look at each of your difficult situations from a natural point of view, you would have said it was over, it was impossible, there was no way, you might as well give up, you couldn't do it... but God had other plans in mind... I may have "thought" it was over, but it wasn't over until He said it was.

You may be in a situation that looks hopeless, it may look like the end is near and it's time to give up, it may look like you've lost... well, it doesn't matter what it may look like, the final outcome will come when God says it's over. Others may count you out, the enemy may tell you you've lost, the chance for victory may look impossible, but it's not over until the Lord says it's over. Don't lean to your own understanding and think that just because it looks like it's over that it is... it may not be... it's not unless the Lord says it is. So, don't throw in the towel too soon, don't "pull the plug", don't surrender, don't give it up unless the Lord has said that it's over. Jarius thought it was over- his daughter was dead- but God hadn't said it was over. The man at the pool thought it was over because he couldn't make it into the water, but God didn't say it was over. Everyone thought it was over for Daniel when he was thrown into the lion's den, but God didn't say it was. Job's wife thought it was over and encouraged her husband to curse God and die, but the Lord didn't say it was over. Jesus hung on the cross until the Father said it was over, and when He did.... Jesus said it was finished- it's over.

Let the Lord determine when it's over.... not your situation, not your feelings, not the enemy or anything else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This really made a good point. Imagine if we could look at everything through Gods eyes. Wouldn't that be nice. It would make things easier. I looked at this through a parents eyes. We see our chilren struggling with a problem and we are right there waiting to help at the right time. Just when our child is ready to give up, we jump in and push them to find the right answer. Sometimes that answer may not be what they want, but it is right. I believe that God leads us through our hearts to find the right answer, even if we don't like that answer. I think we can all agree that it's not easy being a parent, but we never give up on our children. I am sure that God feels the same way about all of us. He would want us to never give up, just as we want whats best for our children.