Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Weapon of Praise!

"I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, And I am saved from my enemies.—2 Samuel 22:4 (NASB)

Praise has the power to lighten those things which seem to really bog us down. I think that the majority of Christians don't understand that praise is a weapon- and a powerful one at that. When we are in times of trouble, facing battles or difficulties, that's the time to praise the Lord. When God hears your praises, it will bring Him near to your situation. In this way praise is like an "SOS" cry.

Often during times of battle, the Lord had Israel send out the praisers first. When Paul and Silas were in prison, they praised the Lord and the prison doors were opened. What are we doing when we praise the Lord? We are declaring who He is. We are declaring His goodness. We are being reminded of how powerful and awesome He is. If you will praise the Lord in spite of your circumstances you will begin to notice a difference in them. When you praise the Lord, He begins to look bigger than your situation.... He IS bigger than your situation, praise just reminds us of that and brings everything back into perspective. What once seemed like mountain has been reduced down to size. What once seemed like a mountain is now more like a molehill (as my mom used to say). What once seemed like a hurdle is nothing more than a step over.

Let’s stop looking at the problem, our enemy, the battle, the size of the mountain, the darkness, instead start praising the Lord. Praise will cause Him to show up every time. When He does show up... He can fight the battles for us.

How many praise songs to you know? When facing what might seem unbeatable, start singing in your heart, or better yet, out loud. Turn your radio off and just begin to sing to Him.

Praise Him in this storm………

I’m gonna Praise the Lord anyway that I can….

I sing praises to your name, O Lord…..

These should get you started…..Praise the Lord, for the battle is His!

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