Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Reflect on Him

Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness. (NIV) Psalm 29:2

AW Tozer once wrote: "Worship is the effort to close the gap between the heart and the God it adores." God wants us to worship Him, to acknowledge who He is. Worship shows our devotion to God. It's an act of giving ourselves to God. When you spend time with God, try beginning your time by coming to Him in worship. . .praising Him for who He is!

How do you worship God? Here are a few ways to praise God:

  • PRAISE GOD IN SONG. . . if don’t consider yourself a singer, try reading some words to songs as part of your worship.
  • PRAISE GOD FOR HIS CHARACTER TRAITS. . . for His lovingkindness, His grace, His power, His mercy, etc.
  • PRAISE GOD THROUGH HIS NAMES. . . try going through the alphabet. . . A: Abba, B: Bread of Life, C: Creator, etc.
  • PRAISE GOD BY PRAYING BACK PRAYERS IN THE BIBLE. . . 1 Chronicles 16:7-10; 1 Chronicles 29:10-13; Daniel 2:19-23; Luke 1:57-69, etc.
  • PRAISE GOD BY READING THE PSALMS BACK TO GOD. . . Psalm 62, 89, 93, etc
Praise centers our attention on God. As we focus on God's glory, we reflect on God's greatness and it will soon become a very important part of who we are. It will become routine to us. Sometimes we just need to focus our attention on Him instead of what we need or want.

What are you reflecting to others? What would others say you're reflecting to the world? Does your face reflect God's glory? Why not focus your praise on Him and allow Him to transform you into something that will have people asking you “what’s up?”

Reflect on Him---He deserves it!

1 comment:

Stuart said...

Consider these expressions of worship too:

Praise God through silent waiting before him.
Praise God through serving others.
Praise God by fasting and prayer.
Praise God by writing a song or poem.
Praise God by creating a painting, drawing, or sculpture that "speaks" of his greatness to you.
Praise God by exercising the gift(s) that he has given you, regardless of what they are.

1 Corinthians 10:31 - So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.