Wednesday, August 13, 2008

All For One and One For All

"All the believers were one in heart and mind." Acts 4:32(NIV)

The author of Acts makes a reference to early church and implies that there was something unique in the gatherings of the early Christians. One of those unique things is found in Acts 4:32: "All the believers were one in heart and mind." The whole congregation was united to one another in their allegiance to Jesus and each other. The Holy Spirit was holding together the church uniting them in their doctrinal beliefs, as well as in fellowship, giving, and worship (Acts 4:32).

Why is unity so important? Partially because it demonstrates to the world that we are Christians. At the end of His ministry, in John 13 & 17, Jesus made it clear that we were to bear some distinguishing marks until His return. In the first passage Jesus says: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (NIV) John 13:34-35.

The "all men" in this verse refers to the world. Jesus gives us a command which includes the condition: "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." An "if" is involved. IF you obey, others will know you are a Christian. But since this is a command, it can also be violated. His command is that we demonstrate a special love to all true Christians. Notice the quality of the love. We are to love all Christians as Jesus has loved us. The love He exhibited to us is to be our standard.

Now the hard part . . . Jesus is giving a right to the world. He is giving the world the right to judge whether you and I are Christians, based on our observable love towards all Christians. That's pretty frightening! Please understand, Jesus is not saying that our failure to love other believers proves that we are not Christians. Rather He is saying, if you and I do not have the love we should have toward all other Christians, the world has the right to make the judgment that we are not Christians.

Want to have a better impact on others around you that are not Christians? Love those that are Christians. Want to see the power that can come inside your life and the life of your church? Love those that are Christians.

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